Parasol Health Consulting – We’ve got you covered.
At Parasol Health Consulting, we aim to create better health and public health programs under the umbrella of science and strategy. We cover public health needs through design, education, strategy, trainings, speaking engagements, and partnership development.
Whether your organization is looking for strategy, evaluation, a customized course, or certificate program, we can tailor our product offerings and help you deliver results.
We are also passionate about equitable product development and education.
Public health principles are scalable and teachable.
Let us show you what we mean.
The Parasol Academy program is the model for current and future public, a model for current and future public health career exploration for academic institutions. The entire academy package can be designed for in-person or remote learning. Parasol Health Consulting can tailor the toolkit and student workbook , train your staff, and support the launch of your first session
Organizations can move the needle for success when leveraging like-minded groups with common goals. Only with a committed team, strategy, and dedication from leadership will you make measurable, sustainable partnerships. Learn how Parasol Health Consulting can help you build a strategy with considerations for the who, why, and how to partner . Based on organizational leadership principles and culture change philosophy, you will create a structured approach to expanding your reach while benefiting others simultaneously. This strategy support is tailored for businesses, academia, government, and non-profits of any size.
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